Po bëre mirë do gjesh mirë

See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.

Një i pastrehë në Tajlandë ka gjetur një portofol me rreth një mijë euro dhe disa karta krediti dhe e ka dërguar në një statcion policor.

See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.

Megjithëse  kishte shumë pak të holla në xhep, përsoni nuk e ka përvetësuar portofolin “Hermesi”.

Në vend që të blinte ushqime apo rroba, ai e ka kthyer portofolin e shtrenjtë me të gjitha paratë e paprekura. Por, ky veprim i tij zemërgjerë është shpërblyer nga.

See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.

Ai që e kishte humbur këtë portofol, i befasuar nga veprimi i qytetarit zemërmirë nga kthimi i portofolit, i ka ofruar një vend pune në kompaninë e tij në Bangkok. Gjithashtu përveç punës i është siguruar dhe një shtëpi me të gjitha shpenzimet e paguara.

See SWNS story SWHOME; A homeless man who handed in a designer wallet full of cash was rewarded with a JOB and a new FLAT to live in. Good-hearted Woralop (corr), 45, had just nine baht (0.20p) to his name when he spotted the Hermes wallet with 20,000baht (£440gbp) and credit cards on the street earlier this month. Despite having barely eaten, he trudged to the local police station and gave police the expensive brown leather wallet with all the money still inside. Owner Niity Pongkriangyos, 30, was so thrilled when cops tracked him down that he offered destitute Woralop, who has no surname, a job at his metalwork factory in Bangkok, Thailand.